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How it Works

When you sign up, you choose how many people will use your subscription and which package they will get. For example, you can choose to have 3 people using the Basic package and 8 people using the Standard package. The price you pay each month depends on the number of people using each package. If you have more people using the same package, the price per person will be lower for that package.


Includes access to the common assessments instruments, such as the PWI & WHODAS, for providers who work on an ACC contract.

I-GAP: General Assessment of Progress
IES-R: Impact of Events Scale - Revised
PWI: Personal Wellbeing Index
WHODAS: World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule
First Last Per Seat
Seats 1 14 20.00/mo
Seats 15 34 15.00/mo
Seats 35 + 10.00/mo
Ready to start your free trial? Sign Up


The standard subscription package that includes several common assessment instruments.

AQ: Autism Questionnaire
ASRS: Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale
AUDIT: Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test
CAT-Q: Camouflaging Autistic Traits
CATS: Child and Adolescent Trauma Screen (CATS) - 7-17 Years
CATS-C: Child and Adolescent Trauma Screen-Caregiver (CATS-C) - 7-17
CATS-C-PS: Child and Adolescent Trauma Screen-Caregiver (CATS-C) - 3-6 Years
DASS-21: Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale
DAST 10: Drug Abuse Screening Test
EQ: Empathy Quotient
GAD-7: Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7
I-GAP: General Assessment of Progress
IES-R: Impact of Events Scale - Revised
NICHQ-P: Vanderbilt Assessment Scale - PARENT Informant
NICHQ-PF: Vanderbilt Assessment Follow-up - PARENT Informant
NICHQ-T: Vanderbilt Assessment Scale - TEACHER Informant
NICHQ-TF: Vanderbilt Assessment Follow-up - TEACHER Informant
PCL-5: PTSD Checklist for DSM5
PHQ-9: Patient Health Questionnaire 9
PWI: Personal Wellbeing Index
RAADS-R: The Ritvo Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale-Revised
WHODAS: World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule
First Last Per Seat
Seats 1 4 45.00/mo
Seats 5 14 40.00/mo
Seats 15 24 35.00/mo
Seats 25 + 30.00/mo

 Free 30 Day Trial

Every new subscriber starts with a trial period.

New subscribers will get a free trial period for their first workspace. Cancel before the trail ends if the Assessment Centre is not for you.

 Provider Portal

Access to the Assessment Centre is included with a paid subscription to the Provider Portal.

Get a single "Standard" package with your Provider Portal subscription.

This access is automatically applied upon your first login to this system with your Provider Portal account.
Instrument Basic Standard
I-GAP: General Assessment of Progress
IES-R: Impact of Events Scale - Revised
PWI: Personal Wellbeing Index
WHODAS: World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule
AQ: Autism Questionnaire
ASRS: Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale
AUDIT: Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test
CAT-Q: Camouflaging Autistic Traits
CATS: Child and Adolescent Trauma Screen (CATS) - 7-17 Years
CATS-C: Child and Adolescent Trauma Screen-Caregiver (CATS-C) - 7-17
CATS-C-PS: Child and Adolescent Trauma Screen-Caregiver (CATS-C) - 3-6 Years
DASS-21: Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale
DAST 10: Drug Abuse Screening Test
EQ: Empathy Quotient
GAD-7: Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7
NICHQ-P: Vanderbilt Assessment Scale - PARENT Informant
NICHQ-PF: Vanderbilt Assessment Follow-up - PARENT Informant
NICHQ-T: Vanderbilt Assessment Scale - TEACHER Informant
NICHQ-TF: Vanderbilt Assessment Follow-up - TEACHER Informant
PCL-5: PTSD Checklist for DSM5
PHQ-9: Patient Health Questionnaire 9
RAADS-R: The Ritvo Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale-Revised